Carbon Zone

carbon management1carbon
Carbon Programme
Carbon Footprint
Carbon Offset
Carbon Management Software
Carbon Reduction Commitment
Carbon Management

Stuart Rose, M&S's chief executive Jan 2008, committing to reduce emmisions by 80% "signed my life away in blood" in terms of the group's commitment to tackle the "enormous challenges of climate change and waste".
'There comes a moment when it is clear what you must do.' 'We are going to have to re-think the way we live and work.'
Tesco, Terry Leahy Jan 2008.

Paul Walsh, CEO, Diageo , ‘ One of my principal aims at Diageo is to create an enduring business: one that leaves a lasting legacy for the employees, investors and consumers who come after us. Being a good corporate citizen is an integral part of creating that legacy. Of course, it also makes good business sense.’

Todd Stitzer CEO, ‘Cadbury Schweppes has pledged a 50% reduction of net absolute carbon emissions by 2020 aiming to reduce not just the 'relative' energy intensity of its global operations but also its absolute' carbon emissions through a balanced programme of "saving, switching and, as a last resort, off-setting'

Carbon Footprint / Carbon Management is one of the main issues organisations need to address in order to tackle the real commercial risks associated with Climate Change. With new regulation and legislation on the horizon now is the time to take action to gain significant initial and future cost savings, whilst positioning the organisation for a measurable competitive advantage in the future carbon market.

Baseline Carbon Footprint isn’t just your business; it is becoming a major differentiator to the way Shareholders, Consumers, Suppliers, Customers, Employees and Regulators view the organisation. This in turn has numerous effects on the medium to long term profitability. Put simply it’s a strategic issue which sits at heart of any forward thinking organisation’s Corporate Governance.

The UK Government is in the process of framing binding legislation, “The Climate Change Bill”, within which there is a secondary piece of legislation called Carbon Reduction Commitment, CRC. This will place legal obligations on 5000 companies within the next 2 years, financially penalising carbon inefficient businesses.

Carbon Zone can help you manage the impact this legislation has on your business.CRC Summary.

Carbon Zone has the focus, through the internationally recognised Green House Gas Protocol, GHG Protocol, to start your organisation on its carefully managed journey towards a commercially focused low carbon future that doesn’t cost the earth.


Carbon Zone Ltd
The Michael Lynch Centre for Enterprise,
71 Princes Street, Ardrossan,
North Ayrshire, KA22 8DG
TEL: +44 (0)1294 475 661, FAX: +44 (0)1294 475 667