Carbon Zone

carbon zonezone 2Compliance
Producer Compliance
Producer Compliance

Corporate Social Responsibility, CSR, over the last 5 years has become one of the main strategic issues organisations face today. With a raft of Environmental Legislation, it’s difficult to know how to plan to give your organisation the legal compliance it requires whilst limiting the commercial exposure or positioning yourself to benefit from the undoubted commercial opportunities.

A major part of EU Environmental Legislation is Producer Responsibility Legislation based on the polluter pays principle has been evolving across Europe over the past 10 years, starting with the 1997 94/62/EC Packaging Waste Directive. The legislation places legal obligations on business to recover and recycle an agreed annual target or % of packaging waste they placed on the market.

Under the same principle The WEEE (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment DirectiveEN2002/96EC) was implemented in 2007. The next directive will be the Batteries Directive due to be transposed into law in 2008.

Producer Responsibility Legislation until recently has been seen as something which is not core to the business. Priorities are however changing with demands from Shareholders, Consumers, Suppliers, Customers, Employees and Regulators effecting medium to long term profitability bringing the issue back to the core of what we do.

Carbon Zone has nearly a decade of experience working within the Producer Compliance, and International Waste Commodities Market. We understand the complex commercial dynamics of the various markets and are uniquely placed to offer an independent insight into an industry lacking transparency.

Carbon Zone offers expert advice of compliance to legislation; procurement of compliance evidence; independent producer responsibility compliance advice, data audit in

Packaging Waste Regulations (Packaging Waste Recovery Notes, PRN’s); WEEE, RoHS, Batteries; Thematic Strategy, AATF Audit / Reprocessors Audit, Corporate Social Responsibility Policy; Carbon Management and Compliance.


Carbon Zone Ltd
The Michael Lynch Centre for Enterprise,
71 Princes Street, Ardrossan,
North Ayrshire, KA22 8DG
TEL: +44 (0)1294 475 661, FAX: +44 (0)1294 475 667