Carbon Zone

Waste & Recycling Consultancyzone 2waste
Trading Platform

Waste Asset Optimisation
Waste & Recycling Consultancy

Recyclers and Waste Producers can benefit directly from our consultancy services. With years of practical, operational and commercial experience in the industry we have proven capable, time and again, of delivering significant ‘Return on Investment’ for our Clients.

Having been involved in the set-up and the development & process improvements of numerous manual and mechanical recycling operations our team have a substantial depth of experience of such operations and can provide valuable advice on Site location, capital equipment decisions, process layout design, outfeed quality objectives, logistics and treated material routes. Each aspect is critically important to the success of a Recycling Operation.

Whether a new start-up operation or an established Recycler reviewing processes or capital investments, expert advice, or simply an experienced ‘pair of eyes’  can prove invaluable in making the right decisions for your business, saving time and money in the process. (see Case study).

Licensing and Audit:  Our services extend to Waste Management Licensing and IPPC Licensing, process Audit and Independent Audit of Evidence for AATF’s and Approved Exporters.

From drafting and submittal of License/Permit applications to Site Compliance Audits, our team have years of experience and success in this field.

The WEEE regulations in the UK require all AATFs and Approved Exporters issuing Evidence of WEEE treatment, recovery and recycling to carry out an audit of their declarations.  Our independent, IEMA accredited Auditors will carry out such audits and submit a report on your behalf. 


Carbon Zone Ltd
The Michael Lynch Centre for Enterprise,
71 Princes Street, Ardrossan,
North Ayrshire, KA22 8DG
TEL: +44 (0)1294 475 661, FAX: +44 (0)1294 475 667